The Saints Row franchise started as a clone of the epic GTA gameplay before GTA IV came out. Many players saw it as a game that would tide them over until GTA IV came out about a year later. What gamers found with Saints Row was a surprisingly enjoyable, albeit goofy and non-serious gaming experience.
Many of the same problems in Saints Row remain in Saints Row 2. Still, the fun factor has only gotten more enjoyable: the characters, weapons and general story get very wacky and over-the-top, which is really a nice addition to the game when it comes down to it. GTA IV’s serious approach will no doubt land it a place among the masterpiece classics, but Saints Row 2 can’t be faulted on its fun factor.
The gameplay is similar to GTA IV, except that it is so action-packed and exaggerated that it is not even close to being realistic. It is chock full of ridiculous moments involving wild destructions and crazy combats. You won’t find any serious realism or simulation qualities in Saints Row 2, but that’s fine by most gamers. The physics are still entertaining, and there is always something satisfying about all characters shedding gallons of blood all over the place when you lay them out with a shotgun blast.
One of the standout features of Saints Row 2 is its robust character customization. You can create almost any character style, from serious and immersive to goofy and nonsensical. The level of customization even extends to your character’s voice, giving you the freedom to shape your character’s personality.
Despite quality voice acting, Saints Row 2 has its flaws. The AI is dumb—enemies barely notice you half the time. The graphics show their age with pop-in issues everywhere. But despite these problems, the game is still a blast of chaotic fun.
In conclusion, if you can handle a non-serious yet action-packed and engaging open-world game and enjoy many explosions and crazy moments, pick up Saints Row 2, and it’ll be hard to put it down.